The Learning Disabilities Association of Illinois is making scholarship funds available to students with learning disabilities who currently are enrolled or are enrolling in undergraduate colleges or technical/vocational programs.
The Federal Law (34 CFR 300.8) definition will be utilized to determine specific learning disability qualifications is:
Specific Learning Disability –The individual exhibits a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using language, spoken or written, which may manifest itself in an imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or to do mathematical calculations. Such terms include conditions as perceptual handicaps, brain injury, minimal brain dysfunction, dyslexia, and developmental aphasia. The term does not include individuals who have learning problems, which are primarily the result of visual, hearing, or motor handicaps, of intellectual disabilities, of emotional disturbance, or of environmental, cultural, or economic disadvantage.
- Applicant must be a resident of the state of Illinois.
- The applicant must show evidence of a psychological evaluation and/or an Individual Education Program which indicates that the applicant was diagnosed as having a Specific Learning Disability and received or currently receiving services. Psychological and/or IEP will not be returned.
Application Information
- Applicants must complete all forms. Checklist must be included with the application.
- The LDA of IL Scholarship Committee selects scholarship recipients.
- The amount of the scholarship is $500.00. Upon proof of acceptance into college, technical, or vocational school, the scholarship money will be sent directly to the institution. This scholarship money can only be used for the purpose of future tuition and books.
- The application DEADLINE is the 3rd Wednesday of March. All application materials and references received after that date will not be considered. Please allow five (5) days for mailing. For additional information, contact the LDA/IL office at 708-430-7532. Winners will be notified in June 2025. After July 1st, the Scholarship check will be sent directly to the Financial Aid Office of the college upon verification of student enrollment.
- THREE references dated January 2025 or later, are required, including at least one from a school counselor, administrator or teacher. The reference letters should be addressed to the LDA of IL Scholarship Committee. Please do not include a relative as a reference. The Personal Reference form may be duplicated to suit your needs, or a separate letter of reference may be included. Do not exceed three references. Each Personal Reference letter should not exceed one page and be submitted in a sealed envelope.
- ALL requested information must be included with application. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
- When all scholarship requirements are completed, please send to:
Learning Disabilities Association of Illinois
Attention: Scholarship Committee
10101 S. Roberts Road, Suite 205
Palos Hills, Illinois 60465-1556